Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So there's this guy ... he lives in Lagos and was in London for a couple of weeks on holiday. At first I only wanted to be friends and I genuinely thought he felt the same. In fact I was convinced that he thought I was cool to hang out with but he wasn't attracted to me, and I'd made my peace with that. But pretty soon, I realised that he liked me. I still thought I wanted to be just friends. We hung out while he was here, went for dinner, went to the movies, mostly just went for drinks where we'd talk about all sorts of things. He even brought flowers to my office on Valentines Day. And before everyone goes awww, it was more of an arrangement than anything else. He'd mentioned that he had never gotten anything on Valentine's Day before so I said I'd send him a card, and he said he'd send me one too. On Valentines Day, he sent me a text asking me for my office address and I started wondering why, only for him to stroll in a few hours later with a bunch of flowers. My theory is he forgot to send me a card the day before and panicked on the day and bought me flowers. I still thought it was sweet. I still wanted to be just friends.

I really enjoyed talking to him, and we'd talk about the kind of stuff that I don't really talk about with anybody else. And he said he told me things he didn't really talk about with other people. If he called and I didn't pick up my phone, he'd always call back and leave me a little jokey voicemail 'threatening' to only call me one last time and never again, or to ask me if we were 'beefing'. It was sweet. Soon, I'd find myself smiling when he's name flashed up on my phone, or when I heard his voice on my voicemail and I'd look forward to seeing him. I realised that I actually quite liked him and I was getting used to having him around. Oh, did I mention that he's extremely hot! Even though I decided I liked him, I still played it cool because I felt I never knew where I stood with him. So unless he asked me if I wanted to hang out, I wouldn't ask him and so on. It's funny because on his last weekend, he said he'd blown off his Friday plans to hang out with me, but he didn't tell me this. Instead he asked me what I was doing on Friday really conversationally and I told him I was busy. I was busy, kind of. I had had a load of late nights that week and really just wanted to go home and have a night in but obviously I would have blown that off for him but he didn't say 'oh, I was thinking we should hang out', so I didn’t find out until a couple of days later that he’d cleared his schedule for me.

Anyway, his last night came around way too quickly and he met me after work (and waited even though I was 30 minutes late because my phone had just been stolen so I had to get it cancelled and I didn't have his number to call and tell him I'd be late). He suggested we go to Trocadero and go on the bumper cars. We went twice and it was so much fun, there's something about fairground type rides that makes me feel like I'm 5 again! Then we walked past a bar in Piccadilly Circus and decided to go in for a drink. We just made the end of happy hour and we stayed there until about 10:30 drinking (2 jugs of Mai Tai, 4 tequila shots each - he gave me one of his slices of lemon when I dropped mine on the table, red wine for him) and then we went to another bar where I started drinking water because I was getting kind of tipsy and I had work the following day. It was the first time we kissed and it was nice.

I couldn't call him to say bye the next day because I didn't have a phone. A few days later when I got a new phone, I sent him a text saying hey, hope he got back okay; it was nice hanging out with him etc. He didn't reply. A couple of days after that I sent him an email just saying the same stuff and I mentioned that I'd sent him a text which he didn't reply to. He replied a couple of days later saying hi, reminiscing about his last night, how much we drank and how surprised he was that we were both relatively sober and said that next time, we'd have to get there at the start of happy hour. Then he told me a funny story about being back in Lagos and finished by saying 'miss ya babe'. I realised I did actually quite like him because the email totally made my day. I replied a couple of days later and that was the last I heard from him. I still can't figure it out ... is this one of those men are from mars, women are from Venus things? Any suggestions?


Azuka said...

He might have spent too much time on the chase, he might just be taking things slowly, he might not want to offend by asking too soon -- the reasons are endless...

It's just one of those things. Let's see how things pan out.

By the way, did he come across as very emotional? If he didn't, then it might just be him.

See me giving advice. Have I ever even asked someone out?

Ubong Da said...

Maybe he is trying very hard not to fall in love, hence the need to create some space.

Noni Moss said...

Damn it! How am i not first???

You went on bumper cars?? How cute.

Hmmm, I say write him off. He's in Nigeria and we all know how caught you can be over there. If he's as fine and great as you say he is, he probably has girls ON HIM. Just let it go and move on - otherwise you'd start pining and living for a text message or email which would draw you in and then leave you hanging. You dont need that sort of emotional turmoil.

Pls feel free to totally disregard me however as I'm hardly qualified to give relationship advice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Noni... dont dwell over it cuz u'll get depressed n start wondering wat u did wrong. It might also be (like azuka said) that he doesn't want to show his complete tru feelings now cuz he doesnt know where u stand. TK it easy, if its meant to be it will be!!!

I really like ur blog...its hot!

LondonBuki said...

I'm not even sure if this falls under the Men are from Mars... stuff.

He could have been all intense because he was here in London and by the time he got to Lagos, it just wasn't the same as having you in the same city.

He might have taken it personal that you did not have his time that Friday or that you did not call him (even though you lost your phone).

God knows the reason... As Noni says, forget his side BUT is it that easy?

Take care and enjoy the rest of your week!

P.S. Bumper cars in Trocadero? How come I did not know that? I am going there o!

Sweetcakes said...

You know credit is hard to come by in Nigeria.LOL. Talk less of internet access.
But on the real though, if he's looking out for your (both you and him) best interest he probably thought he'd cool things off, seeing that the distance thing is a huge factor.

Don't write him off just yet. Keep in touch once in a while. BUT just make sure this doesn't become a "booty call" - basically getting this close to him only when he is around.

Take it easy sha. Lovely blog.

Anonymous said...

i always say that men know what they want. if it's you, he'll make it clear so that he won't lose you.
i say you move on.
ok now i have to take my own advice!

Uzo said...

I dont believe in a Nigerian angle. I believe in people and how they relate to each other. Just relax and let things play on. If he calls or gets in touch again,- great and enjoy each conversation/email for what it is and not drive yourself crazy worrying about what it might all mean. If he never gets in touch again - chuck it up to another experience learned. You had a good time with a nice guy and move on...

Naija Vixen said...

It myt be one of those guy things ("playing it cool"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Its as if I was watching some wild life programme. You know how animals sniff each other for ages without making their minds up? LOL

Its called the mating game.

When is he back in London? Take it easy and find out more about him.

Anonymous said...


It does not make you less than what you are - a beautiful person on the outside and hopefully on the inside.

We have all met men/women who we like, who are good people, who ask us out, we're available but still say no, why? see above. That does not stop us from being friends with these people.

Peace and Love, Reader in Toronto.

Anonymous said...

Que sera sera
When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will there be rainbows day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said
Que sera sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera sera
What will be, will be
Que sera sera

Anonymous said...

You know what, just be happy with the experience you had with him and call it a day, move on with your life, do your thing. Do not spend hours/months/years wondering about/waiting on/pining for the seemingly perfect guy because you had a few weeks of fun with him while he was on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the memories, there will be plenty more like it....

Sorry Vikii for using your blog like this
@Azuka - what, sha ask me out now or must I beat it out of you LOL

Onada - Fashion and Photography said...

you need to make up your mind missy. do you or do you not like him? it sounds like you have a lot of fun hanging out with him! if distance was not a factor would you seriously date him?

NaijaBloke said...

I will definately go with Uzo on this one ...

Unknown said...

Bumper Cars in Trocadero eh? Thanks Babe. One more spot to visit and have fun.

Give him some space. He actually hasnt said anything yet and if he's interested in going any further with you, he'll let you know. OR maybe he's shy? There are some guys like that who are interested but have cold feet spitting it out or spilling the beans.

Falling in love are we............? LOL!!

Mari said...

Noni's comment sums it all. Move on and don't dwell on it so much. The both of you will cross paths again if its meant to be. Meanwhile, am sure there are other blokes out there dying to have just 1 sec of your time. Fine girl like you.
Talk to u over the weekend!

Mr.Fineboy said...

Hmmm.....he might just be really busy! It also depends on what u replied...hopefully you didn't say "Baby, it was so much complete me." LOL, I know u didn't say that...don't worry too much about it....I'm sure you'll hear from him pretty soon..

zaiprincesa said...

lol @ mr.fineboy. Hmm, i think u should just play it cool and try not to dwell on it. (easier said than done, i know). But maybe he's busy, or maybe he has another babe in naija, who knows? but dont waste any productive time sweatin it. Abeg, u r too bonz to be pining away for the dude. Just do you!

Anonymous said...

Come on Vickii...

...please, MOVE ON...

I know you are a wonderful person, pretty + incredible personality .

HONESTLY, if he was into you, YOU would arrest his every thought and waking moment. I just don't think he is that interested...

...connect 4 king

Lady A said...

Oh dear, aren't you glad you didn't give him any "goodies". All I can say is to treat this relationship like popcorn, if it pops, it pops, if it doesn't, it doesn't. I hope you read that right, lol. Don't sweat it, he seems like the fishy type. If it's meant to be, he'll be there. If not, keep it movin!

Noni Moss said...

There is a connect 4 king??? I thought I was the ruler!

chainreader said...

Oh, vickii likes a boy!

Sorry, i have nothing constructive to say. I'm just giggly!

Anonymous said...

There are some women from Mars too. :((

You know Lagos life is so terrible that it doesnt take 5-minutes of stepping outside for one's whole-day plans to get whipped apart. So pls, cut him some slack.

Have you heard from him?. Ur post is like a week ago....

Mr.Fineboy said...

Update Vickii!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! damn tutsy you ain't even sparing the poor guy. He might have an excuse you know....might be busy at work, a family memeber had a stroke, thieves stole his phone or something ;)

Give him the benefit of doubt, just don't write him off. I'm not saying go have a relationship with him, 'cos we all know how unrealistic some of those long distnace relationships are.

BiMbyLaDs** said...

oooooo... dont know babe.. dont get discouraged just like that.. u need to give him the benefit of doubt..but at the same careful.. how do we know that he isnt seeing someone in Lagos, hence the little or no contact??
chick, ive seen ur picture and ur gawjuz.. if this one doesnt work out , another will..

take care and stay blessed

Bella Naija said...

LOL @ Tutsy...honestly what Tutsy wrote was my first impulse...but after reading Uzo's comment, I had to take a step back.

Just take it day by day and see where it goes.
Yeah, the fact that he was in London and it was more 'convenient' to keep in touch and hang out probably made things easier for him...

Just keep cool and see what comes next...believe me if he is reaaallly into u...he was hola!

Unknown said...

Hey Everyone, Thanks for your comments, suggestions, advice etc!

Update: He texted me a few days ago but I didn't reply because I agree with the whole 'he's just not that into me' theory and I just didn't feel like there was any point. I feel better about the whole thing now that I've decided to let it go.

dScR?Be said...

Wow, vickii...It was that easy 2 "let it go"?? gosh!! I need help!! Wish I could be as strong as u...

Nkem said...

There's nothing complicated about it. It's just simply that, erm, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus... Hope it makes sense now.

Anonymous said...

dont think it is a good advice to be sharing that side of ur relationship explicitly like that.. what if the guy has access to ur blog.. easy for him to have a game plan....just a thought sha

Anonymous said...

hi chic
this kinda thing happened to me as well ! but not just like that
i'll blog about very soon check my site in a few days

Anonymous said...

men i really liked this ur story...but then TROCADERO-Agbaya like u!dont mind me i have gone there couplt times too!
Anywayz this has happened to me once and someone else i know...guys have fish brain!lol.Knowing Naija guys the guys probably had a chick back home..but then the typical 9ja guy will keep on serenading u over the phone and email till he comes back to jand andcontinue where he left!mehn!i dont know...but dont think about it too much(see me talking istill think about the guy that did the same to me and this was like 10 months ago!)
@ My Heart credit and ineternet access is not that difficuly HABA!9ja isnt that bad.

Anonymous said...

Okay me starting to get jealous here, you don't talk tou your favourite cuzz inn the world but share all your thoughts to the world......

Uuumm girl, you got some explaining to do :d lol
